Dance of the Fulcrum

Alexis Story Crawshaw: Concept, Composition, Lyrics, Piano, and Voice

Maud Watel-Kazak and Timothy Wood: Choreography and Dance


Sponsored by the following UCSB entities: the Division of Humanities and Fine Arts, the Graduate Division, the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, the Media Arts and Technology Program, the College of Creative Studies Music Composition, the College of Creative Studies Computing, the Department of Music, the Department of Theater and Dance, and the Classics Department.


Performance: White Noise, 2016 End of the Year Show, Media Arts and Technology, UC Santa Barbara. CNSI Building, UCSB (Santa Barbara, CA).


The Dance of the Fulcrum is a performance and installation with acoustic and computer music and dance in physical space and VR (including live virtual painting with Tilt Brush by Google). Original lyrics are in ancient Greek.


More documentation here: